What affects the lifespan of a Tesla high-voltage battery?

What affects the lifespan of a Tesla high-voltage battery?
While factors like the weather and your driving style affect the performance of your Tesla high-voltage battery, negligence to caution and directives can easily affect the battery's lifespan. Looking to get the most out of your Tesla high-voltage battery? Read on to know what affects its lifespan.

The miles of Tesla high-voltage batteries and what impacts their ranges:

Tesla’s high-voltage batteries can last between 300,000 and 500,000 miles. And on average, they can last for 336 miles via a single charge. What impacts the battery range? The weather conditions and your driving style can affect how long your Tesla high-voltage battery lasts. Generally, the battery size and Tesla model, driving in cold weather and high speeds, going for uphill driving, engaging in stop-and-go driving, and short trips can strain your battery and reduce its range.

Here are what affects the lifespan of a Tesla high-voltage battery:

1. Not charging the battery correctly

Your battery lifespan may be affected if you don't charge it correctly. You may ask, how can you properly charge it? Follow the Tesla charging manual. And don't wait until the battery level is low. The battery performs greatly when you charge it regularly. In other words, never allow your battery to fully discharge before charging it. When you allow it to discharge to 0 percent, other components may get damaged or need replacement. When your battery charge level is 0 percent, ensure to plug it in. Leaving it unplugged for too long can damage it.

2. Not monitoring the health and serviceability of the eyelets

To make your battery last longer, monitor the health and serviceability of the eyelets. The eyelets is a part of the battery cooling system. You can use the battery management system or meter to monitor the state of its charge and general battery health.

3. Not leaving the car plugged in when not in use

Ensure to leave your car plugged in if you aren't using it. When you leave it unplugged and idle, your car occasionally uses battery energy for system tests and recharges the low voltage battery if needed. This is crucial if you're using a Tesla Model 3 and don't want to drive it for many weeks.

4. Not charging your battery to 100 percent at least once per week

If you want to elongate your Tesla high-voltage battery, charge it to 100 percent at least once per week. And if your car has an LFP battery, keep the charge limit to 100 percent, even for everyday use. Also, if you have a Model 3 that has been parked for more than one week, charge it to 100 percent at the earliest convenience. Though it's advisable to charge your battery to 100% once per week, note that your regenerative braking lessens when you drive with a fully charged battery.

5. Don't open or tamper with your battery

Tesla's high-voltage battery doesn't have any part that you or non-Tesla authorized service technicians can service. Don't tamper with or open the battery. Contact or arrange with Tesla customer service to help you service your battery.
In other words, the Tesla batteries don't need owner maintenance. Don't remove its coolant filler cap and remember not to add fluid. Contact Tesla quickly when the touchscreen tells you its fluid level is low. Also, don't use your battery as a stationary power source because it voids the warranty

Ilja Voitins

Ilja Voitins

As the Co-Founder and COO of EV's Republic, I have been leading the business development and marketing strategy for the past three years. EV's Republic is a company that provides high-quality and affordable repair services for Tesla owners, who share our passion for electric vehicles and their environmental impact.